Setup Custom Webhooks (works with Integromat, Zapier, Pabbly, etc)

Jatin Arora

Last Update 2 ปีที่แล้ว

Webhooks help you integrate Utilize with your server or other systems like Zapier, Integromat, Pabbly, etc. When a row is added or updated in Utilize, you can configure what system you want to communicate with and what data to send to the system. Some of the popular use cases are highlighted towards the end of this article. Here's a step-by-step guide to configuring your webhooks.

Configure Webhook URL

The first step is to configure the Webhook URL. This can be either,
  • URL provided by the Webhooks module of your automation system 
  • Your server URL

The screenshot below is from Integromat (Make) where the Webhooks module provides a URL like

The screenshot below is from Zapier where the Webhooks module provides a URL like

Once you know the Webhook URL, you need to configure it in Utilize. To do that, 

  1. Open any of your apps in Utilize's app builder and navigate to the Automate Tab
  2.  Add a new Automation Logic

3. Choose your relevant Trigger and Sheet

4. Click on Add Logic >

5. Select a Trigger action

6. Enter your Webhook URL (retrieved from earlier steps) 

Configure Data

Once you have configured the Webhook URL, you need to configure the data to be sent to the Webhook. This data can be configured using the columns of your newly added or updated row.

To do this, click on + Add Data and configure the name of the data and the column of the added/updated row it would represent.

Press Done once you have configured the Data.

(Optional) You can also configure the Headers and Query Params if you host your own server.

Popular Use Cases

  • Send a notification when the inventory is low
  • Generate BOM (Bill of materials) when an order is created
  • Generate invoice when an order is created
  • Generate an inspection report and send it to your customer
  • Push new data to your database
  • and many more...

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